upcoming & recorded

Dharana Events

some SoulCollage(R) cards SS

Intro to SoulCollage&#xAE

Sunday May 12, 2024 on zoom.

If you’ve been waiting to dive into this enlightening method, now’s your time.

This workshop will give you everything you need to create & read your own cards, so you’ll be able to use these remarkable techniques for your own  personal Soul explorations.

It also gives valuable access to my specific Suit workshops,  and to our monthly Sunday Satsangs (see below).

Sunday, May 12th, 2024 from 1 – 4pm EST.

The $45 workshop fee includes all art supplies (mailed to you in time for the workshop*), instruction (of course) and sharing your insights with an inevitably beautiful group of souls just like you.

*please register early enough for mailing

fresh raw ingredients

Perfect Health Paradigms Program

Susan Greenspan, Naturopath & Energetic Healer and I are joining to bring you the best of all that we’ve learned about healthy habits. Ayurvedic tips, Yogic practices, Shamanistic insights, and Energetic healing techniques!  All together in 6 zoom sessions in 2024.

We held an exploratory launch on January 11th on zoom with kindred spirits who recognize that our dependency on conventional medicine has overwhelmed the system – we have to do more to take our own personal healing into our own hands.

We agree too that Perfect Health has to be of the mind, emotions and spirit – a focus only on the body is just not enough.

Luckily for us all, the wisdom of ages and cultures is available to uSusan Greenspans.  Let’s look at this together!

Email us or call if you want to know more. Get in on planning our dates!


Weekly Meditation Classes:

Every Tuesday at 5:30pm EST I hold one hour classes on zoom.

My goal is to help you develop your own skills for managing chronic stress and moving beyond that to master this global tool of peace and clarity.

Each class follows the same routine: time to check in, a guided half hour experience then time to debrief.

I start and end each meditation with the same strategies so you can learn, adapt and use those at home. In between, I provide different techniques and principles drawn from the many wonderful teachers I’ve studied over the years, in the hope that some will resonate and stay with you.

At the end of each meditation I send participants a link to the one we’ve recorded, so you can save and use it in your own practice.  If you’d like to drop in, here’s the zoom link.

SS leading group meditation at Chopra Center

SoulCollage® Satsangs:

The third Sunday of every month from 1 – 3pm on zoom.

I provide some guidance and a lot of freedom for you to create and read cards. This is our most spontaneous time to create and share insights with like-hearted souls.

$10 per drop-in session allows me to send you materials as you need them.* (please register in enough time to receive your kit by mail)

Please note: having taken an Intro to SoulCollage(R) class with a registered facilitator is a pre-requisite to join the Satsangs.

NEXT SATSANG: Sunday March 17th, 1 – 3pm on zoom .

Ongoing consultations available with Naturopath & Shaman Susan Greenspan

How can you use Nature to promote your best health?

Part of the Self Sustaining Strategies Series.

In mid-March I interviewed  Susan about her history, her passion and her upcoming program for anyone curious about what natural remedies can do for you.

Susan has been a certified Naturopath since 1995.  You might have run into her during her 11 years at Health Tree on the West Island.  You might not know though how many other skills and methods she’s picked up along the way.

You can reach Susan here:

Susan Greenspan

Past Events

Self-Sustaining Strategies: Optimising Feminine Biorhythms

Women Working Out: Interview with Wellness Professional &  Novice Body Builder Chantal Forgues

7-8:30pm  on zoom

How did this body builder learn to respect and work with her cycles of energy?  How does our psycho-neuro-biology effect our accomplishments?  Can women do what men do?  How do dopamine and oxytocin fit in?

Surprising developments in neuro-psycho-physiology (mind-body mechanics) can do wonders for your sense of self and what you can accomplish.

If you missed our interview, here’s the link.

Chantal Forgues

Scents & Wellness

A Self Sustaining Strategies workshop

Donna McLean is a Certified Essential Oil Health Specialist who’s business is called Life’s Escentials.

When she learned that the life science of Ayurveda uses all 6 of our senses to bring ourselves back into balance when we feel “off”, she knew exactly why and how.

You’ve probably already noticed that your sense of smell is powerful for triggering and accessing memories and feelings. 

If you reach out to her via her fb page Donna will explain the interplay between our sense of smell and mind-body wellness. 

spiritualism, awakening, meditation-4552237.jpg

Personal Peace Workshop

Nov 2, '22 Personal Trainer Beth Oldfield invited me to talk with her group about how to cultivate Personal Peace.

During the 90 minutes we had on zoom, we touched on the physiology of chronic stress, the “monkey mind” syndrome and how important it is to listen to the wisdom of our bodies, particularly our hearts.

Here you’ll find links to two short relaxation and practicing presence exercises we did together. Enjoy!

leaves on the stream in fall
Sheila Southon C2015

It's Time.

Here to help you on your journey to personal authenticity.

Personal Peace Workshop

Nov 2, '22 Personal Trainer Beth Oldfield invited me to talk with her group about how to cultivate Personal Peace.

During the 90 minutes we had on zoom, we touched on the physiology of chronic stress, the “monkey mind” syndrome and how important it is to listen to the wisdom of our bodies, particularly our hearts.

Here you’ll find links to two short relaxation and practicing presence exercises we did together. Enjoy!

leaves on the stream in fall
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