
Soul Collage ®

Committee Suit

Representing Aspects of Your Personality

The Committee Suit represents aspects of your personality so can be thought of as the psychological or personality suit. SoulCollage(R) Founder Seena Frost held “the one and the many” as a guiding principle. Each of us has a myriad of inner influences gleaned from our life experiences. The Committee Suit cards represent these in our internal dialogues.

By choosing images that we have some kind of emotional reaction to, then ‘giving them a voice’ we find hidden gems from our own subconscious. In that way we “find” aspects of our personality that we might have only been dimly aware of in our daily interactions.

This process brings the subjective into a level of objectivity we might have never had, illuminating long-held assumptions about ourselves. That creates clarity for ANY situations we’re facing, making it easier to work with our inner voices: choosing assumptions that nurture ourselves and the world we live in over those that tear ourselves or others down.

The SoulCollage® Committee workshop typically takes place for three hours on a Sunday afternoon, but other days/times are available for groups.

Please remember that an Intro class for SoulCollage® – whether with me or another Certified Facilitator – is a pre-requisite for this advanced class.

Community Suit

Acknowledging Real People - Living or Passed on - Who Have Influenced Us.

The SoulCollage® Community Suit is when/how we acknowledge real people – living or passed on – who have influenced us. We often do this with photos of the people themselves, and learn more about our relationships with them by the context and details we choose to surround them with, and how they ‘speak’ to us.

What would your Grandmother have said about a choice you’re facing? How would your favorite Teacher react to your present situation? What would you like to say to a lover you’ve lost? Each of these kind of situations gives us deeper insights into OURSELVES of course, because all memories, assumptions and expectations are ours alone. It’s incredible what comes up!

Each SoulCollage®  workshop typically takes place for three hours on a Sunday afternoon, but other days/times are available for groups.

During the workshop you’ll make Community cards and voice them alone (journaling) and in breakout rooms before having the opportunity to reflect with the group at large. Many times during these workshops the insights you have are exactly what another group member needs to hear too. It’s synchronicity at work.

The SoulCollage(R) Community workshop typically takes place on a Sunday afternoon from 1-4, but other days & times are available for groups.

Please remember that an Intro class for SoulCollage® – whether with me or another Certified Facilitator – is pre-requisite for this advanced class.

Companion Suit

Using Animals to Represent the Energetic Centers Throughout Our Body & Minds.

Those clusters where major organs of the endocrine and nervous systems overlap have long been recognized in Vedic Sciences to each have their own type of subtle energy and to be related to different functions of the body-mind. Vedic sages called them Chakras.

To facilitate your personal exploration of your own Companions, I’ve created seven short meditations to send to you before our workshop. Each meditation teaches you about each chakra, and guides you to “meet” the creature that feels just right for you.

If you’d like to get started right away here’s the link for those guided experiences.

Council Suit

Representing Influences at the Collective Level of our Consciousness.

The Council Suit of Soul Collage® represents influences at the collective level of our consciousness. Here dwell our gods and goddesses, heroes and villains, myths, shamans and angels.

Often this level goes unnoticed, but has a deep influence on our assumptions and choices nevertheless.

By creating cards that represent the broader view of what it means to be human, we – in the very process – come to recognize some of what we’ve been responding to thus far. We bring our subconscious drives closer into our conscious awareness where they can take their place among aspects of ourselves we now recognize and dialogue with. Sometimes what they ‘say’ will surprise you.

“The images of myth are reflections of the spiritual potentialities of every one of us. Through contemplating these, we evoke their powers in our own lives.”

~ Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers The Power of Myth 1988

The SoulCollage® Community workshop typically takes place on a Sunday afternoon from 1-4, but other days & times are available for groups.

Please remember that an Intro class for SoulCollage® – whether with me or another Certified Facilitator – is pre-requisite for this advanced class.

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