It doesn’t have to be spring for us to start again. In fact every moment is an opportunity to make different choices. That’s all very well to say, but how do we apply it?
After almost 30 years of helping people with their choices and insights, what I realize is that we’re all looking for clues to make better choices. Clues from within – we might say from our own subconscious – are most accurate and relevant for how our own lives are unfolding.
Meditation and talk Counselling are two methods I’ve used to develop my own intuition and help others do the same. It’s no exaggeration to say it’s an ongoing process.
SoulCollage(R) is another way. I’m continually impressed by the insights Collagers have from their own creations, and how often those revelations are exactly what someone else in the group ‘needs’ to hear and consider. Together we deepen the conversation, always with respectful and compassionate sharing.
I’m offering Introduction to SoulCollage(R) on Sunday May 22nd from 1 – 4pm on Zoom.